Stakeholder Strategy for Engagement or Tragedy.

Identifying and Prioritizing Stakeholders

4 min readFeb 2, 2024
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Stakeholders play a crucial role in the success of any project, and their interests and concerns need to be considered. Stakeholders are divided into two types: internal and external.

Stakeholders: are individuals, organizations, or entities with a substantial interest in the project’s endeavor and are impacted by its outcomes.

Here are some examples of stakeholders:

. Employees

Employees are at the heart of any project and directly affected by the changes it brings. Their skills, dedication, and feedback can significantly influence the project’s success.

. Customers

Customers are the end-users of a product or service. Their satisfaction is a measure of a project’s success. Understanding their needs and expectations is crucial for delivering a product or service that meets their requirements.

. Suppliers

Suppliers provide the resources needed for the project. Their performance can directly impact the project’s timeline, cost, and quality. Therefore, maintaining a good relationship with them is essential for smooth project execution.

. Investors

Investors provide the financial resources for the project. They are interested in the project’s potential return on investment. Regular communication about the project’s progress and performance is crucial to keeping investors engaged and supportive.

. Government agencies

Government agencies may have regulatory authority over the project. They can influence its scope, timeline, and budget. Compliance with relevant laws and regulations is crucial to avoid legal issues and ensure smooth project execution.

. Community Groups

Community groups can be affected if the project involves physical changes to the community. Their support can be crucial for the project’s acceptance and success. Engaging with community groups and addressing their concerns can help build a positive relationship.

. Non-Profit Organizations

If the project aligns with the mission or serves the constituents, those non-profit organizations may have an interest. Collaborating with these organizations can help reach common goals and enhance social impact.

Understanding and managing stakeholder relationships effectively is crucial for the success of any project. Different stakeholders have different interests and levels of influence, making stakeholder management a complex but rewarding process.

Identifying and Prioritizing Stakeholders: A Strategic Approach for Successful Project Management

Here is a guide on how to prioritize stakeholders effectively:

1. Identifying Stakeholders

The first step in stakeholder prioritization is identifying all potential stakeholders. These could be individuals, groups, or organizations affected by and interested in your project.

2. Analyzing Stakeholder Influence and Interest

Once the stakeholders are identified, their influence and interest in your project should be assessed. Stakeholders with high influence and interest should be prioritized significantly because they can impact the project outcome.

3. Understanding Stakeholder Needs and Expectations

What do stakeholders need from the project, and what are their expectations?! Understanding will help you determine how to best engage with them and manage their expectations effectively.

4. Assessing the Potential Impact on the Project

Consider the potential impact each stakeholder could have on the project. Stakeholders with a high impact should be prioritized. This assessment will help you focus your efforts on where they are most needed.

5. Creating a Stakeholder Matrix

A stakeholder matrix is a tool for prioritizing stakeholders. This matrix plots stakeholders based on their level of interest and influence. A visual representation of which stakeholders to prioritize can guide your stakeholder engagement strategy.

6. Developing a Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Based on analysis, you could develop a plan to engage with each stakeholder, including communication strategies and methods for managing expectations. A well-thought-out engagement plan can help ensure that stakeholders feel valued and heard.


stakeholder prioritization is not a one-time task. It should be revisited throughout the project as stakeholders’ interests and influence may change over time. Following these steps, you can ensure that your stakeholder management efforts are focused and effective, leading to a successful project outcome.

Understanding project management and prioritizing stakeholders is a critical aspect that can significantly influence the outcome of a project.

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I have an MBA from the University of Jordan with more than 20 years of experience in the work environment and academics as a private business management tutor.